Useful online resources - see something missing? Contact
Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act: Maps of Progress
- American Society of Civil Engineers: Status Report: COVID-19's Impacts on America's Infrastructure
- National Waterways Foundation
- The Port of Pittsburgh: Impact, Opportunities, and Challenges
- U.S. Department of Agriculture study: Importance of Inland Waterways to U.S. Agriculture (summary)
- U.S. Department of Agriculture study: The Impact of Brazil's Infrastructure and Transportation Costs on U.S. Soybean Market Share: An Updated Analysis from 1992-2019 (November 2020)
- U.S. Department of Transportation: Beyond Traffic 2045
- University of Illinois: U.S. Food Supply Chain map
- "America's Waterways" 2021 TV Commercial
- "America's Waterways - Age of Locks"
- "America's Waterways - Agriculture"
- "America's Waterways - Economic Impact"
- "America's Waterways - Enhancing Our Quality of Life"
- "America's Waterways - Environmental Benefits"
- "America's Waterways - How a Lock Works"
- "America's Waterways - Navigation-Ecosystem Sustainability Program"
- "America's Waterways - Transporting our Energy Products"
- "America's Waterways - Quality of Life"
- "America's Waterways - Safety"
- "America's Waterways - U.S. Competitiveness"
- American Soybean Association: Even Stronger (October 2020)
- AWO: Spotlight on America's Tugboat, Towboat andBarge Industry (August 2019)
- Barging Ahead
- Built to Last: Water Works (April 2021)
- Built to Last: Waterways Wellness (April 2021)
- Built to Last: Foundation of the Nation (June 2019)
- Built to Last: trailer for 2021 episode
- The Greenest Way: intermodal comparisons (WCI YouTube)
- Ingram Barge Company - Working Aboard an Ingram Towboat
- VR (with VR glasses)/360-degree view! Explore the Montgomery Locks & Dam
- LaGrange Lock Summer 2020 Major Rehabilitation (time lapse)
- Locking Through: Know Before You Go
- Melvin Price (UMR) Locks and Dam - At the Center of It All
- NESP Now! (WCI YouTube)
- NESP television ad (WCI YouTube)
- NESP - Lock 22 fish passage
- Practical Engineering: How Are Underwater Structures Built?
- RiverWorks Discovery's Who Works the Rivers
- This Week in Agribusiness (October 3, 2020)
- Twin Cities Public Television: Current State of Our Working River (February 2020)
- UMR Lock 19 Livestream
- United Soybean Board's (USB) inland waterways infrastructure videos
- USB Lock and Dam Video
- USACE Rock Island District: LaGrange Lock Major Rehabilitation Time-Lapse (October 2020)
- Waterways Deliver (WCI YouTube)
- Waterways Infrastructure is Crucial to Competitiveness (WCI YouTube)
- American Association of Port Authorities
- American Farm Bureau
- American Petroleum Institute
- American Salvage Association
- American Soybean Association
- American Waterways Operators
- Coalition to Protect the Missouri River
- Ducks Unlimited
- Global Water Waste project
- Gulf Intracoastal Canal Association
- Illinois Corn Growers Association
- Inland Port Magazine
- Independent Liquid Terminals Association
- Inland Rivers Ports & Terminals
- Iowa Corn Growers Association
- Minnesota Corn Growers Association
- Missouri River Recovery Program MRRIC
- National Audubon Society
- National Corn Growers Association
- National Grain and Feed Association
- National Mining Association
- National Rivers Hall of Fame
- Living Lands and Waters
- Port of Pittsburgh Commission
- Propeller Club
- River Industry Bulletin Board
- RiverWorks Discovery
- Seamen's Church Institute
- Soy Transportation Coalition
- Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterways Development Authority
- The Nature Conservancy
- United Soybean Board
- We Work The Waterways - Educational, Maritime Careers Presentation
Government Sites
- Inland Waterways Users Board
- Navigation Information Sharing
- Office of Management and Budget
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Corps Civil Works Program: Value to the Nation
- Corps Digital Visual Library
- Institute for Water Resources
- USACE Civil Works Navigation System Status
- USACE District & Division locations
- USACE Lock Performance Monitoring System (find a vessel, lock status reports, queue reports, etc.)
- Our Mississippi newsletter
- USACE Navigation and Civil Works Decision Support Center
- U.S. Coast Guard
- U.S. Department of Agriculture - Agriculture Marketing Service
- U.S. Department of Agriculture study: Importance of Inland Waterways to U.S. Agriculture (summary) (2019)
- U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration
- U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure
- U.S. Senate, Committee on Environment & Public Works