In the News

Water Resources Development Proposals Sought

May 10, 2024   The Waterways Journal

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Washington, D.C.—The assistant secretary of the Army for Civil Works is soliciting proposals from non-federal interests for inclusion in the 2025 annual report to Congress on future water resources development.


Proposals must be submitted by August 30, and the forms can be emailed to

Authorized by a 2014 law, the annual report includes proposals submitted by nonfederal interests for new feasibility studies, proposed modifications to authorized water resources development projects or feasibility studies and proposed modifications to environmental infrastructure program authorities.


It provides Congress with a list of potential studies and projects to newly authorize and a list of existing study, project and environmental infrastructure program authorities to modify.


If a proposal from a non-federal interest for a new study authorization is included in the annual report, it is anticipated that authorization would be for the study, not for construction.


For additional information on the annual report, visit the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters website at, email or call Michele Gomez at 202-761-7193.